Trends in Education Favor Summer Workation
Summer Workation has started to think that Summer Workation is not only a good idea, but it is also a timely one. Recent macroeducational trends in policy/research suggest that the education world will be very receptive to Summer Workation.
I want to share an example with you that demonstrates this changing climate.
The Gates Foundation has recently made a pretty sharp shift in their education funding strategy. Previously the Gates Foundation focused on developing strong small school models, however recently the Foundation has discovered that these investments have achieved mixed results (read more ). The Gates Foundation has now turned to focus on developing effective teachers.
The primary reason for this change is because the foundation has realized that: teachers are pivotal to student success, teacher quality is extremely variable and there is little centralized energy placed in cultivating effective teachers. This argument is almost identical to the case for Summer Workation! You can check out a speech by Bill Gates himself at the annual TED conference that talks more about this shift:
(The whole speech is interesting, but the relevant part starts at the 8 minute mark).
As one of the largest funders of education in the US, the Gates Foundation really drives what is happening in education innovation. As the Gates Foundations puts the spotlight on effective teaching, we feel Summer Workation is well placed to make an impact!